Here are incredible true stories from people whose lives were forever changed by alien encounters. Unlike many of the negative reports about visitors from outer space, these stories tell of meeting enlightened creatures of power and beauty who come to rescue us in time of need.A plane plummets to earth, taking a pilot t certain death. . .A man stripped of his talents pauses on the brink of despair. . .A young couple struggles helplessly in the stormy Atlantic after their boat capsizes. . .These people have one thing in common. Al were saved by extraterrestrial beings who appeared just when all hope was gone. Their extraordinary experiences are told here as they happened, with only their names changed to protect their privacy. From their candid and compelling testimony, you will learn more about the most tantalizing mystery of our time and take comfort in sharing the belief of people all over the world that there are other beings in the universe who have come to watch over us and share their awesome wisdom.