Universe on a T-Shirt is the story of modern science's search for a single set of equations that will, in principle, describe everything in the physical world. No scientific quest is as exciting as the search for the key to understanding the universethe elusive unified "theory of everything."
Most books on the subject leave the reader drowning in jargon and equations, but Dan Falk tells the intriguing story in an enjoyable and easy-to-understand way. He places this search in its historical context, tracing the quest from ancient Greece to the breakthroughs of Newton, Maxwell, and Einstein, to the excitement over string theory and to today's efforts to merge quantum theory with general relativity. With as much emphasis on history as on science, Dan Falk's approach is ideal for the general readerpeople who are intrigued by advances in modern physics, but who still wonder why theoretical physicists do what they do, and just what it is they are searching for.
Today's physicists use sophisticated methods, but their goalthe search for simplicityhas not changed since the time of the ancient Greeks. The search for a unified theory is a story full of quirky personalities, surprising twists and moments of brilliancehigh science and high drama, brought to entertaining life by one of Canada's favourite science writers.