A rock star finds adventure, love, music, healing, and life in Win Blevins and Meredith Blevins'Moonlight Water.
Robbie, a San Francisco area musician, half burned out on his career, is blind-sided by his wife's miscarriage and a painful divorce. Devastated, he has a visionary experience which tantalizes him with the possibility of an entirely new life.
He sets out to wander America by car to find what his money couldn't buy. Robbie stumbles upon his new life in an unlikely place, among the Navajos. There, he falls in love with a ranger and helps her track down looters that are threatening area artifacts, becomes welcomed into the community, and finds the most valuable artifact of all…himself.
Moonlight Wateris the story of the redemption of a shipwrecked life through challenge, courage, and love.