Rogue Warrior: Dictator's Ransom

Rogue Warrior: Dictator's Ransom

Richard Marcinko
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Is Kim Jong-ilreally a fanatical fan of Dick Marcinko, the Rogue Warrior? Has the terrifying tyrant actually read every one of Marcinko's manyNew York Times bestsellers?

One thing is certain: the Rogue Warrior wants nothing to do with the brutal despot. When, inDictator's Ransom, "the loathsome dwarf"--as George W. Bush derided him--invites Marcinko to the Hermit Kingdom, the Rogue Warrior instantly declines...prompting the CIA to RSVP on his behalf. Of course, the Agency is sending Marcinko on this life-threatening mission, not to sign books but as part of a clandestine special op: Marcinko is to track down four covert nuclear warheads secreted in the Supreme Leader's palace.

More than just another thriller, however,Dictator's Ransom is a novel of electrifying energy and wicked wit. Marcinko rightfully takes his place alongside Huck Finn as the raunchy, rambunctious American hero he truly is. Kim Jong-il quickly becomes the most outrageous, most frightening, most demented nuclear psychopath in all of history and literature.Dictator's Ransom will have you shuddering with fear and trembling...even as it has you cracking up with laughter.