The Savages in Love and War

The Savages in Love and War

Fred Mustard Stewart
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The Savages in Love and War is the next installment in this riveting historical saga of a powerful family whose lives are played out on the center stage of a new epoch, and whose passions and rivalries shape some of the most memorable events of the twentieth century. Young Nick Savage came through the Roaring Twenties poorer but unbroken. He`s taken on the task of preserving what is left of his family`s fortune-and he`s helping his new friend, FDR, help the rest of the country do the same. Meanwhile, Nick`s sister is in Paris, struggling alongside her aristocratic husband to hold on to the dreams of their youth as they watch political storm clouds from Germany threaten all they love. And in the Far East, the Asian branch of the Savages-descendents of theseafarer Justin Savage and the beautiful Chinese pirate Ching Mei-has come to great respectability, and they must keep what they have so carefully built from being torn away from them by the growing power of the Rising Sun. The Savages have been flung far and wide, and as the world careens from the excesses of the Jazz Age to the cruel wake-up call of the Great Depression, and reels from the terrors of the first world war to the chilling promises of a second, we follow this family through their heartbreak and triumph. ]]>