Feeding Wild Birds in Winter

Feeding Wild Birds in Winter

Clive Dobson (CA)
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Feeding birds in winter appeals to everyone, but there are some simple ways in which it can become more enjoyable.

This book covers the basics of feeding birds in the city and suburbs, and in the country, too. It contains basic information for identifying birds that stay in cold areas throughout winter, and for each kind describes what they like and need to eat. There is information on how to make up mixtures of grain and suet for birds, how to build feeders, and the best kind to buy if you don't want to build.

This book deals with feeding problems and pest problems: squirrels and birds that "hog" feeding stations, mice and cats. There are recipes for food, tips on growing natural bird foods, hand feeding, sources of wild bird food, and projects for city parks. There is even a section on small projects for children, so that they can have fun feeding birds too.

Well illustrated, with drawings of birds, feeders, and diagrams on how to set up an inviting garden habitat for birds -- all year round.