Have you been watching the tumult in the stock exchanges? Noticed the growing unemployment? Seen the mutual fund scandals and the collapse of huge corporations? Alarming, isn t it? What if I were to tell you that we predicted the present Global Financial Crisis ten years ago? Read the Sanctus Germanus Prophecies and see how accurate we were! The economy is set up to drop again despite the propaganda of a quick recovery. This time, it will drop hard. If you ve felt times were traumatic recently, just wait. It will get much, much worse. But there is hope. In fact, this coming crisis isn t a bad thing at all. Globally, we re going through a filtering process, explains the Amanuensis, author of the Sanctus Germanus The Events Leading up to the Year 2012 (The Sanctus Germanus Foundation) It s a clearing away of the bad to make room for prosperity and peace. Time will seem to accelerate, and our lives will get even crazier, but the insanity will actually be clearing the way. Yes, it will be painful. But it s necessary and even desirable. And fortunately, the turmoil is also temporary. The world is going through a rebalancing. And humans are the most susceptible creatures to its huge swings before it arrives where it should be, where it will be, where it must be, continues the Amanuensis.