The Tales of Dr. Woo: a Journey Into Truth

The Tales of Dr. Woo: a Journey Into Truth

David Price Francis
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The Tales of Dr. Woo presents life lessons and spiritual insights as recorded in the time of the legendary Yellow Emperor by a former student from the ancient Chinese mystery school of Dr. Woo. Using subtle humor, parables and his powerful grasp on the deeper significance of human existence, the wise and venerable Dr. Woo masterfully coaches his students into the way of truth to help them live lives of greater meaning and purpose. These unique tales resonate with penetrating insights and timeless wisdoms on the human condition while offering gems of revelation into subjects as diverse as man/woman relationships, finance, psychology, the domains of human and planetary energies and the purpose of life. This blend of world views and philosophic wisdom offers us moments for deeper self-reflection and demonstrates that the opportunity to work on our personal development and spiritual growth is as nearby as a stroll through a garden or a morning cup of tea. These stories are sure to delight, entertain and provoke questions and contemplations in the wonderer within us all.