This magical follow-up to The Big Book of Adventure, The Big Book of Horror, and The Big Book of Knights, Nobles, and Knaves ushers children into fairyland. There, young readers will meet fairies of the forest and water, as well as fairy godmothers. The beautifully illustrated stories come from around the world, and explore many aspects of fairy life: Is there a separate fairy kingdom or do we share the same world? Do fairies live forever? How do they dress and what do they eat? What happens when humans disobey their laws? And can fairies and humans fall in love? The book even includes some more familiar figures from beloved fairy tales!
The Ballad of Tam Lin
The Legend of Knockgrafton
The Vengeful Fairy Lagree
Titania, Fairy Queen (abridged from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream)
The Fairy Melusina
The Love Story of Niulang and the Fairy Zhinu
And more!