The Brotherhood

The Brotherhood

Tim Dedopolus
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The Freemasons are the worlds best-known fraternity. Famous for their secretive nature and their impressive roster of historical members, they are often regarded in modern times as a sinister force operating behind the scenes. Some commentators dismiss them as a group of bumbling old men who dress up to play games and indulge in a convivial dinner. Others feel they are a corrupting network of avid nepotists and political dabblers, pulling societys strings for their own dark ends.This is all a very long way from the Orders original reputation as a force of enlightenment, social responsibility and scientific awareness. Behind the faade of secrecy and the thick cloud of rumour and hearsay, Freemasonry resonates with a rich and beautiful tradition of philosophical symbolism. The journey through the degrees of Masonry is the journey through life itself, the eternal quest for self-perfection.Written by the grandson of a very high-ranking Mason, The Brotherhood is a fascinating look inside the enigmatic institution. Starting with a detailed look at the visible structure of international Freemasonry and the myths and legends that surround it, the book moves on to examine the true meat and meaning of Freemasonryits mythological and real history, its social context, and the symbolism and philosophy that illuminates every aspect of the Craft. Finally, the book examines the current state of Freemasonry today, including some of the scandals and intrigues that have become attached to it, and the trials facing the ancient order as it approaches the challenges of the 21st century. The book will include feature boxes on famous Masons of the past and present from around the world.In short, The Brotherhood is a detailed introduction to every aspect of the society, from the most venal to the most mysticand a fascinating must-read for anyone interested in this most secret of organizations.