What is self-injury? Why would people deliberately hurt themselves? Why can't they stop? What can I do to help? These questions are asked and answered in Secret Scars, a revealing look at the addiction of self-injury. Self-injury is one of the fastest growing health problems among teenage girls today. Despite its prevalence, however, self-injury remains a behavior shrouded in mystery and misconceptions. Secret Scars is a groundbreaking book that demystifies self-injury by explaining it as an addiction. The author takes both an engaging and scholarly approach to help the reader understand the dynamics involved in self-injury. Not only does Turner share case histories and her personal struggle as a former self-injurer, she backs it up by citing studies, research findings, and clinical outcomes. Features defines self-injury as a treatable addictive disorder an important resource for parents, educators, and mental health professionals authoritative and accessible information about agrowing health concern personal stories validate experiences and concerns of readers V. J. Turner is a pseudonym for a licensed clinical psychologist whose academic credentials include a Ph.D. and a post-doctorate fellowship. She has many years of experience working therapeutically with adolescents and patients with addictive disorders. She has written and published extensively, including academic journal articles, books, and assessment instruments in the field of psychology. She has had firsthand experience with self-injury before successfully recovering over seven years ago.