Discover the remarkable similarities in the profound teachings of Jesus and Buddha in this riveting analysis by bestselling author Marcus Borg with an introduction by Jack Kornfield.
Jesus and Buddha were separated by five hundred years, three thousand miles, and two drastically different cultures. Yet this trade paper edition of the highly acclaimed hardback juxtaposes passages from the New Testament and ancient Buddhist scriptures to illuminate the striking similarity between their lives, deeds, and teachings.
Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. From anyone who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt. Give to everyone who begs from you; and if anyone takes away your goods, do not ask for them again. -Luke 6.27-30
Hatreds do not ever cease in this world by hating, but by love; this is an eternal truth.... Overcome anger by love, overcome evil by good. Overcome the miser by giving, overcome the liar by truth. -Dhammapada 1.5 & 17.3
The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches. -Matthew 13.31-32
Do not underestimate good, thinking it will not affect you. Dripping water can fill a pitcher, drop by drop; one who is wise is filled with good, even if one accumulates it little by little. -Dhammapada 9.7
Jesus and Buddha were separated by five hundred years, three thousand miles, and two drastically different cultures. Yet this trade paper edition of the highly acclaimed hardback juxtaposes passages from the New Testament and ancient Buddhist scriptures to illuminate the striking similarity between their lives, deeds, and teachings.
Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. From anyone who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt. Give to everyone who begs from you; and if anyone takes away your goods, do not ask for them again. -Luke 6.27-30
Hatreds do not ever cease in this world by hating, but by love; this is an eternal truth.... Overcome anger by love, overcome evil by good. Overcome the miser by giving, overcome the liar by truth. -Dhammapada 1.5 & 17.3
The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches. -Matthew 13.31-32
Do not underestimate good, thinking it will not affect you. Dripping water can fill a pitcher, drop by drop; one who is wise is filled with good, even if one accumulates it little by little. -Dhammapada 9.7