Dreaming While Awake

Dreaming While Awake

Arnold Mindell
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What if you could dream 24 hours a day, even while awake? According to innovative psychotherapist Arnold Mindell, Ph.D., we already do. The seeds of dreaming arise in every moment of the day, in body symptoms, problems, relationships, subtile feelings, interactions, random thoughts, and fantasies. We're getting countless little cues from the unconscious every minute. All are signs from the world of dreaming. And, according to Mindell, we can be in this state of lucid dreaming all day long.
In Dreaming While Awake, Mindell shows how to become aware of these flirts" from the dreamworld and how to interpret their message. The goal, he says, is to be wide awake and lucid 24 hours a day in the midst of this unending dreamfield of information.
Practicing 24-hour lucid dreaming:
- Helps you solve personal, physical, and emotional problems- Serves as a preventive medicine for relationships and health, helping you catch the earliest warning signs before they turn into problems- Helps resolve conflicts in relationships, families, large groups, corporations, even politics Dreaming is the mystical source of reality, says Mindell. "My goal is to make the Dreaming roots of reality so accessible, so visceral, that your conscious mind will give you back your right to dream."
