The ultimate how-to book for all generations Rural homesteaders and urban apartment dwellers alike will find a mother lode of practical information packed into this hefty handbook. A selective compendium of public-domain documents, it provides in one single volume a wealth of knowledge and useful instruction on just about every imaginable aspect of self-sufficiency, from building a living structure and growing food to raising children and using tools of all kinds. Hundreds of pamphlets, documents, and articles are reproduced here in facsimile, making this a true cornucopia of practical advice. Readers will learn how Build a greenhouse Administer first aid Stock a shelter in case of nuclear attack Build a stone wall Survive in the wilderness, at sea, and in the city Plant, prune, and propagate trees and shrubs Buy farmland Prevent wood decay Grow plants indoors and out Read architect's drawings Care for household pets Keep bees Prevent and remove mildew Repair clothing Hunt, trap, and fish Repair a screen or leaking faucet Weave Replace a broken window Butcher and store big-game kill Use a mortising machine Apply plaster and set tile Relieve allergy symptoms Build a wood-frame, brick, or log house Control insects Manage a toddler Stay safe during storms and floods Can and freeze fruits and vegetables Treat various forms of athritis Make bread Take your own blood pressure Cut metal and stone and much, much more!