Stories that celebrate strength, resiliency, and hope . . .
On the road to recovery, sometimes we all need medicine that no doctor can provide. The stories in A Cup of Comfort® for Breast Cancer Survivors will serve as a soothing remedy to the many challenges you and your loved ones face during this difficult time.
In this beautiful volume, mothers, sisters, aunts, and friends share compelling and uplifting personal essaysfrom a young woman determined to breastfeed her next child to a woman whose four-year-old daughter plays a monumental part in nursing her back to health. Each individual has a unique story of living withand afterbreast cancer. You'll laugh and cry along with these courageous women as they tell their own stories of fightingand beatingbreast cancer. And you'll find the support and inspiration you need as you and yours live your own survivor's story.
On the road to recovery, sometimes we all need medicine that no doctor can provide. The stories in A Cup of Comfort® for Breast Cancer Survivors will serve as a soothing remedy to the many challenges you and your loved ones face during this difficult time.
In this beautiful volume, mothers, sisters, aunts, and friends share compelling and uplifting personal essaysfrom a young woman determined to breastfeed her next child to a woman whose four-year-old daughter plays a monumental part in nursing her back to health. Each individual has a unique story of living withand afterbreast cancer. You'll laugh and cry along with these courageous women as they tell their own stories of fightingand beatingbreast cancer. And you'll find the support and inspiration you need as you and yours live your own survivor's story.