The Spiritual Mysteries of Blood

The Spiritual Mysteries of Blood

Christopher Vasey
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Reveals how our blood acts as the bridge between body and spirit

• Explains how our blood’s natural radiation connects our bodies to our spirits and serves as a means of communication between the two

• Reveals how highly processed diets, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, heavy metal poisoning, medications, drugs, and alcohol negatively affect blood radiation and lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances

• Provides advice on the ideal diet for each individual, whether omnivore, vegetarian, or allergy-prone, to optimize blood radiation

Blood does far more than transport oxygen and nutrients, remove metabolic wastes, and convey hormonal messages from one cell to another. Providing medical examples to show how the body actively works to maintain our blood, even becoming seriously ill to save it, Christopher Vasey, N.D., explains how blood’s primary function is to form the bridge between the body and the human spirit.

Vasey reveals how the blood, like everything in our world, radiates. The blood’s radiation is what connects body to spirit and serves as a means of communication between the two. Any deficiencies in the blood’s composition directly affect our spirit’s ability to stay connected to our physical body. Every change in the blood induces changes in our state of being and influences our psychic state. Many mental conditions such as loss of drive, unexplained sadness and irritability can be treated by restoring balance to the blood. In fact, the four basic temperaments--sanguine, melancholic, choleric, and phlegmatic--are intimately connected with our blood composition, hence the truth behind describing someone as “hot-blooded” or “cold-blooded.”

The author explains how highly processed foods, vitamin deficiencies, heavy metal poisoning, and medications can negatively affect blood radiation and lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances. Revealing the spiritual purpose of eating, he explores how to improve blood radiation and composition with dietary changes, focusing on food that is organically produced and additive-free to avoid introducing any toxins or artificial ingredients into the bloodstream.

Vasey offers advice to find the ideal diet for each individual, whether omnivore, vegetarian, or allergy-prone. He shows that by optimizing our blood composition, we improve our connection to spirit and provide a sound base for our soul to further its development.