Discourses on awakening given by Namgyal Rinpoche during three workshop/meditation retreats. While the focus is on liberation, the discourses particularly address patterns formed in the womb and how these underlie our approach and response to all aspects of our lives, including our physical and mental health, our sexuality, and our views and beliefs on everything from philosophy to food. Rinpoche gives many exercises and meditations for contacting our womb experience and clearing it, so that it becomes what it was meant to the basis for well-being, natural growth and exploration. Of special interest is the meditation for those who have given birth or who have had an abortion which clears both parent and child. Also included are teachings on the 16 Buddha-Body Practice, the four types of mothers, karma ("activity"), other factors that shape us, past lives, and most importantly, transcendence - going beyond all concepts of who and what we are so that we may be and know what is.