From Lochnaw to Manitoulin

From Lochnaw to Manitoulin

Andrew Agnew (CA)
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"I am very pleased to hear that my great-grandfather’s journal is to be made available to a wider public. I have always enjoyed reading of his exploits in Canada as an officer of the 93rd (Sutherland) Highlanders, an enlightened regiment in its day, which ’disapproves ploughing furrows in men’s backs.’ Stories of champagne made of parsnips, the Glengarry militia ’shooting the rapids to Coteau du Lac’ and of skirmishes in Canada were meat and drink to me, when I was subaltern in the Royal Highland Fusiliers.

"I am indebted to Dr. Scott McLean for bringing this journal to publication and I hope it will give as much pleasure to others as it has given to me."

- Sir Crispin Agnew of Lochnaw