In a society where pregnant women laugh, cry, and commiserate about their unavoidable and unsightly pregnancy symptoms, it seems crazy to suggest that these symptoms are actually avoidable. In Primal Moms Look Good Naked, Peggy Emch challenges conventional pregnancy wisdom—that the fate of a pregnant woman and new mothers is ugly and undesirable—and explains how eating the foods we were designed to eat can reduce or even eliminate most of the embarrassing signs new mothers go to extremes to cover up.
Supported by scientific research, observational accounts of traditional peoples, and her own journey into vibrant health, Emch explains how a beautiful pregnant body is a reflection of the mother and baby's good health. Each chapter focuses on a different common pregnancy complaint, identifies causes, and details ways to prevent and repair them. Some of the topics include:
• Stretch marks
• Cellulite
• Varicose and spider veins
• Diastasis Recti
• Flabby belly
• Skin problems
Emch incorporates her years of experience and research into a practical plan for achieving and maintaining excellent physical health and, consequently, good looks throughout pregnancy. In Primal Moms Look Good Naked, Emch reveals
• How a Paleolithic diet can heal your skin tone, color, and texture
• How pregnancy cravings and trips to the ice cream aisle in the middle of the night are not normal symptoms of pregnancy
• How stretch marks and cellulite are signs of dietary insufficiencies
• How the junk we eat and the healthy food we don't affects not only our bodies but also the bodies of our babies
• How just a little bit of weight-bearing exercise each week can transform our aging bodies into beautiful, youthful ones
Primal Moms Look Good Naked is a complete guide for women seeking a healthy pregnancy and baby. It includes a full nutritional guide, recipes, and an exercise program suitable for women of all athletic abilities.
Supported by scientific research, observational accounts of traditional peoples, and her own journey into vibrant health, Emch explains how a beautiful pregnant body is a reflection of the mother and baby's good health. Each chapter focuses on a different common pregnancy complaint, identifies causes, and details ways to prevent and repair them. Some of the topics include:
• Stretch marks
• Cellulite
• Varicose and spider veins
• Diastasis Recti
• Flabby belly
• Skin problems
Emch incorporates her years of experience and research into a practical plan for achieving and maintaining excellent physical health and, consequently, good looks throughout pregnancy. In Primal Moms Look Good Naked, Emch reveals
• How a Paleolithic diet can heal your skin tone, color, and texture
• How pregnancy cravings and trips to the ice cream aisle in the middle of the night are not normal symptoms of pregnancy
• How stretch marks and cellulite are signs of dietary insufficiencies
• How the junk we eat and the healthy food we don't affects not only our bodies but also the bodies of our babies
• How just a little bit of weight-bearing exercise each week can transform our aging bodies into beautiful, youthful ones
Primal Moms Look Good Naked is a complete guide for women seeking a healthy pregnancy and baby. It includes a full nutritional guide, recipes, and an exercise program suitable for women of all athletic abilities.