Sarva Gita Sara

Sivananda Saraswati
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This book of Gitas is a Celestial key for the reader to gain entry into the domain of Divine Life and Splendour.These Gitas contain living messages from illumined seers.They have the power to transform one's life. Start a new life the day you get this book.Put into practice the Upadesha contained here.LIVE these GITAS.Become illumined.Elevate yourself.practice and become perfect. These GITAS guide the reader to glory. Advaita Vedanta is is the liberating knowledge.All the Upanishads have revealed this blossoming of lotuses in the hearts of genuine seekers of Truth. The obscure utterances of the Upanishads made it hard to behold the true vision it contained.Hence great Masters have sung the same Truth as songs,called Gita,in simple and lucid verses with grace and rythm.The Bhagavad Gita is considered as milk where all the Upanishads stand as cows.It is true with all the other Gitaslike Ashtavakra Gita,Avadhuta Gita,Rama Gita etc.,,.All the Gitas sing the esseence of Advaita Vedanta alone.. Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj has further extracted the essence (Sara) of all the Gitas and truly named it Sarva Gita Sara.For those who genuinely long to taste the nectar (Amrita) of that liberating knowledge,no doubt,it is hidden in the pages of this book.