Shadows of Sanctuary

Shadows of Sanctuary

Rivendell Books
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Each one of them has a tale to tell - thieves, harlots, godlings, and sorcerous beings living in the Shadows of Sanctuary.

Following on from Thieves' World and Tales from the Vulgar Unicorn, seven top fantasy writers have written the stories of those who live and die in this infamous place.

Join Lynn Abbey, Andrew Offutt, Vonda N. McIntyre and Janet Morris - but be warned: the world of Sanctuary is a dangerous one.

Author: Robert Asprin

Author: C.J. Cherryh

A Gift in Parting
Author: Robert Asprin

The Vivisectionist
Author: Andrew Offutt

The Rhinoceros and the Unicorn
Author: Diana L. Paxson

Then Azyuna Danced
Author: Lynn Abbey

A Man and his God
Author: Janet Morris

Essay: Things the Editor Never Told Me
Author: Lynn Abbey